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Opal Jewellery Under $300

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'Alana' Gold Plated Silver Australian Triplet Opal Ring - Black Star Opal'Alana' Gold Plated Silver Australian Triplet Opal Ring - Black Star Opal
Silver ring with blue and green triplet opa;blue and green triplet opal set into a silver ring
kari gold plated silver Australian crystal opal ringaustralian solid opal ring set in gold plated silver 'kari'
'Alana' Gold Plated Silver Australian Triplet Opal Ring - Black Star Opal'Alana' Gold Plated Silver Australian Triplet Opal Ring - Black Star Opal
'Alana' Silver Australian Triplet Opal Ring - Black Star Opal'Alana' Silver Australian Triplet Opal Ring - Black Star Opal
'Alana' Silver Triplet Opal Ring Sale price$130.00 AUD
'Alani' Gold Plated Silver Australian Crystal Opal Necklace Pendant - Black Star Opal'Alani' Gold Plated Silver Australian Crystal Opal Necklace Pendant - Black Star Opal
'Kamila' Silver Australian Triplet Opal Necklace Pendant - Black Star Opal'Kamila' Silver Australian Triplet Opal Necklace Pendant - Black Star Opal
'Alani' Silver Australian White Opal Necklace Pendant - Black Star Opal'Alani' Silver Australian White Opal Necklace Pendant - Black Star Opal
'Alani' Silver White Opal Pendant Sale price$110.00 AUD
alenka opal ring set in sterling silver with two diamantesclose up of opal ring alenka design set in sterling silver
'Alenka' Gold Plated Silver Australian Crystal Opal Ring - Black Star Opal
colourful white opal gold plated silver ringwhite opal gold plated silver ring 'alenka'
'Alenka' Silver Australian Triplet Opal Ring - Black Star Opal'Alenka' Silver Australian Triplet Opal Ring - Black Star Opal
'Alenka' Silver Triplet Opal Ring Sale price$130.00 AUD
white opal ring set in sterling silver
'Alenka' Silver White Opal Ring Sale price$130.00 AUD
'Aliana' Silver Australian Triplet Opal Necklace Pendant - Black Star Opal'Aliana' Silver Australian Triplet Opal Necklace Pendant - Black Star Opal
'Alianna' Silver Australian Crystal Opal Ring - Black Star Opal
opal ring set with a mighnight blue australian triplet opalopal ring set in gold plated silver with a blue and green triplet opal
'Alina' Silver Australian Crystal Opal Ring - Black Star Opal
'Alina' Silver Australian Triplet Opal Ring - Black Star Opal'Alina' Silver Australian Triplet Opal Ring - Black Star Opal
opal ring set in sterling silver with a genuine australian opal stone'Alina' Silver Australian Triplet Opal Ring - Black Star Opal
'Alina' Silver Australian Crystal Opal Ring - Black Star Opal'Alina' Silver Australian Crystal Opal Ring - Black Star Opal
colourful classic opal ring in gold plated silvertriplet opal ring gold plated silver
white opal gold plated silver ring set with a multi-colour solid opalsolid australian opal set into a gold plated silver opal ring
opal ring set in silver with a triplet opalsilver opal ring set with a blue Australian triplet opal
colourful opal ring set in silverclose up of an opal ring in silver
white opal classic design opal ring set in gold plated silvercolourful white opal ring set in gold plated silver in a classic design
australian opal silver ring with a colourful triplet opalcolourful opal silver ring
'Alina' Silver Triplet Opal Ring Sale price$165.00 AUD
blue opal silver pendant
'Millie' Gold Plated Silver Australian Triplet Opal Ring - Black Star Opal'Millie' Gold Plated Silver Australian Triplet Opal Ring - Black Star Opal
'Amira Blue' Silver Triplet Opal Ring'Amira Blue' Silver Triplet Opal Ring
'Millie' Gold Plated Silver Australian Triplet Opal Ring - Black Star Opal'Millie' Gold Plated Silver Australian Triplet Opal Ring - Black Star Opal
silver crystal opal ringcolourful oval crystal opal ring with 16 diamantes
'Amira' Silver Crystal Opal Ring Sale price$115.00 AUD
colourful opal ring with a triplet opal and diamantestriplet opal ring in sterling silver
'Amira' Silver Triplet Opal Ring Sale price$110.00 AUD
gold plated silver opal earrings heart
heart design opal ring set in gold plated silver
'Amore Blue' Silver Triplet Opal Ring
love heart opal ring in gold plated silver
'Amore' Gold Plated Silver Australian Triplet Opal Ring - Black Star Opal'Amore' Gold Plated Silver Australian Triplet Opal Ring - Black Star Opal
australian triplet opal sterling silver
'Amore' Silver Australian Triplet Opal Ring - Black Star Opal'Amore' Silver Australian Triplet Opal Ring - Black Star Opal
'Amore' Silver Triplet Opal Ring Sale price$110.00 AUD
colourful heart design white opal silver ringcolourful heart design silver opal ring
'Amore' Silver White Opal Ring Sale price$130.00 AUD
'Angel' Gold Plated Silver Australian White Opal Necklace Pendant - Black Star Opal'Angel' Gold Plated Silver Australian White Opal Necklace Pendant - Black Star Opal
'Angel' Silver Australian Triplet Opal Necklace Pendant - Black Star Opal
blue and green opal earringsdelicate opal earrings in gold plated silver
opal earrings gold plated silvercolourful opal earrings
blue and green opal pendant sterling silver
'Annalise' Gold Plated Silver Australian Crystal Opal Earrings - Black Star Opal
'Annalise' Silver Australian Crystal Opal Earrings - Black Star Opal
blue and green opal pendant set in sterling silver


Looking for affordable, high quality Australian opal jewelry that won't break the bank? Our extensive collection of opal jewellery priced AUD $300 and under is for you. Featuring solid gold, silver and gold plated silver settings, our range includes stylish opal rings, opal earrings, opal pendants and opal bracelets in classic and contemporary designs. Australian opal is for everybody, so our affordable opal jewelry collection gives everyone the chance to own a piece of this beautiful natural Australian gemstone.

Opal jewellery is the...
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